What is infantile seborrheic eczema?

Today, many children from 0 to 1 year old suffer from infantile seborrheic eczema. However, if the symptoms are observed only on the scalp, many parents refer to this condition as a cradle of shit. Researchers say that one in 5 children suffers from infantile seborrheic eczema at one point or another in their life. This can occur in 1 in 5 older children and in 1 in 12 adults. However, although the cases that occur in older children and adults are not the same as those of infantile seborrheic eczema, it is important to understand that they may be the result of previous experiences of infantile seborrheic eczema that occurred when the child was suffering. .

Some experts say that this problem occurs due to the overactivity of the sebaceous glands. There are other forms of swing cover that can occur. These reasons include asthma, hay fever, genetics, or allergy to something the skin comes into contact with.

In most cases, the following symptoms appear: dry, hot and itchy skin. When this becomes severe, the skin can break, grow, and begin to bleed. Although it doesn’t seem pleasant, it’s helpful to know that it’s at least not contagious.

If one of your children has these symptoms, I recommend that you see a specialist as soon as possible. An early and proper diagnosis can lead to proper treatment. However, it is likely that the baby’s skin is always sensitive and prone to appearances. Therefore, it is important to take special care of the skin in case of seborrheic eczema in children with a good cleansing and hydration routine.

Another great way to benefit from beautiful, healthy skin is to rub a small amount of warm olive oil mixed with a few drops of spring oil on the lid of the baby’s crib to loosen it. You should apply this mixture on the baby’s head before bedtime. Let it penetrate your skin before washing it in the morning with a light baby shampoo. Some other topical supplements that can help your baby include aloe vera and borage oil.

If you are one of the women who is breastfeeding, and your baby also develops infantile seborrheic eczema, then I recommend that you change your diet. Try to consume more biotin from the liver and eggs. You should also start taking spring oil, emu oil, or any supplement known to help your skin with eczema. Your baby may also be allergic to some of the foods in his diet, such as milk, wheat, and eggs. Therefore, avoid these foods during breastfeeding. We hope that these tips will help relieve the inflammation that occurs with infantile seborrheic eczema and that this condition will pass quickly.

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